showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Truck FIL1988 racinggame track-lemans track-paulricard truck labelimageminimize
Licence to Kill  Domark (Quixel)1989 007 explosiveobjects firearms helicopter ingametitle lives movie runandgun score specialagentprotagonist swimming truck labelimagesubject
Drivin' Force Digital Magic Software1990 motorcycle racinggame truck wintery labelimageminimize
Midwinter II: Flames of Freedom MicroProse;Rainbird (Maelstrom Games)1991 aerodyne aeroplane aircushionvehicle airship biplane bus charactercreation firearms hotairballoons island jeep jetpack midwinter-series parachuting propellerplane speedboat stippletransparency submarine swimming tank tanks train truck underwaterdiving walking labelimageminimize